Shipping Area

There is a list of the areas where Talon Shop covers.

Please be aware that your order can be held by the local custom for several days if it is an international shipment. The duration of inspection depends on the decision from the custom. In the meanwhile, additional custom charges may be charged. Customers will be required to pay before or at the moment of delivery.

Delivery time will be varied depends on the destination of the shipment or shipment events. Normally, international shipment takes at least 7 working days from the date of consignment.

Australia Austria Argentina
Bangladesh Belgium Bolivia
Brunei Darussalam Bulgaria Brazil
Cambodia Croatia Canada
China Czech Republic Chile
India Denmark Colombia
Indonesia Estonia Ecuador
Japan Finland Mexico
Hong Kong SAR France Peru
Korea Germany Suriname
Macau Greece Uruguay
Malaysia Hungary United States of America
Mongolia Ireland Venezuela
Myanmar Italy
New Zealand Latvia
Pakistan Lithuania
Philippines Luxembourg
Singapore Netherlands
Sri Lanka Norway
Taiwan Poland
Thailand Romania
United Arab Emirates Slovakia
Vietnam Slovenia
United Kingdom


If your country is not on the list, we are sorry that we cannot make the shipment to you for now. We will try to expand our coverage area in the future and all updates will be posted on our website.